How to Lose Weight on the Raw Diet
Eat a variety of raw foods. Raw foods consist of uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. There are also certain spices and seasonings that fall into the raw category.
Dehydrate fruits and vegetables. You can warm foods to temperatures no hotter than 115 degrees F with a dehydrator. Once foods exceed this temperature, all enzymes in the food are destroyed.
Start the day with fruit and vegetable juices or make a smoothie. This gives you energy and still adheres to the raw food diet.
Follow Raw Diet recipes for lunch and dinner. Purchase a raw food cookbook to find different entrees that you can make for more substantial meals. Examples include fettuccine alfredo, raw burgers, and banana nut sandwiches. Living on Live Food is a helpful book that provides recipes and guidelines for the Raw Diet.
Eat as much as you want. Due to the healthy nature of the foods that you consume, you do not need to limit your portions.