How to Lose Weight Without Dieting
Decrease your caloric intake. Your body burns calories every day, all day, just by being alive. If you eat fewer calories than your body burns, you will lose weight without having to feel like you are dieting. You need to be sure that you eat enough calories so that you don't go into "starvation" mode.
Eat frequently and consume small portions. You need to eat regularly in order to keep your body burning calories. Your metabolism will slow down if your body isn't given food. Eating breakfast within an hour of getting up in the morning will help get your body's metabolism going.
Walk. Walking is the best exercise you can give your body. It gets you moving and isn't too intense. If you aren't in very good shape, you need to start slow. Make sure that you dedicate some time each day to getting out and walking. It doesn't have to be for very long, but it has to happen. Adding exercise to your daily routine will help you lose weight without putting yourself on a diet.
Mix up your exercise. Add variety to your exercise regimen. That way you won't get bored and want to quit. Taking classes at the local recreation center or a gym is a great way to see what sort of classes are out there.
Take a ride. Get on a bike and tour the streets of your neighborhood or local park. Riding a bike is great exercise and is a good way to see things. Get a friend to join you and share in the adventure.
Re-evaluate your reward system. If something good happens and you always reward yourself with food, change your rewards to non-food items. Treating yourself to a pedicure or a night at the movies for a job well done is a better reward than some cookies or ice cream.
Start a new hobby. People tend to eat when they are bored. If you don't let yourself get bored, your desire to eat may decrease. If you start a hobby, such as knitting, your hands will be tied up so that you can't mindlessly snack. Other hobbies, such as playing tennis, will keep your body active and your mind stimulated.