How to Lose Weight the Smart Way
Things You'll Need
- Doctor's checkup
- Food journal
- Planned menu
- Healthy food
- Exercise routine
Visit your doctor for a checkup. Tell him you want to go on a weight loss plan. Listen to your doctor's advice and health concerns.
Write down everything you eat and drink for a week. Review your food journal at the end of the week. Notice how much you eat in each food group, how much sugar you consume and how much water you drink.
Plan a week's menu before you go to the store. Plan three well-balanced meals a day that include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy, lean meat and whole wheat grains.
Replace your sugary drinks with unsweetened tea, low fat milk and water. Drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day and drink a cup of low fat milk with every meal.
Begin an exercise routine. Start with a 10-minute walk every day. Increase the duration until you are walking an hour at least 6 days a week. Add 20-minute strength training sessions 2 to 3 days a week.
Cut back on sweets until you can eliminate them from your diet. Look for sugar and sugar substitutes like fructose, sucrose and honey on food labels. Avoid foods that have any type of sugar listed in the first four ingredients.