How to have a very healthy lifestyle

If you need to shed a few pounds this is for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Motivation
  • Comfortable shoes
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      Walk. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do and is totally safe - if you do it correctly.
      Walk at a comfortable pace for 15 minutes a day for one week. Then start walking for 30 minutes. Make sure you're not covered in layers - even if it's a dull rainy day you will still get hot. I'd say wear a comfortable shirt or tee then some comfortable trousers and some deodrant. And remember to stand tall while you're walking - NEVER lean forward as this will strain your back & could lead to back problems.

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      Ditch them burgers!: Look in your cupboards in your kitchen and throw away any fatty foods such as crisps, carbonated (fizzy) drinks, burgers, biscuits, cakes - anything that will make you fat. It will be hard and you may have spent a lot of money on it - but it has to go!

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      Look in your fridge and replace all the yoghurts with low fat yoghurts. Replace the milk with low fat or soya milk, and butter with low-fat spread. Throw away any trifles and fatty foods.

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      Buy a fruit bowl and fill it with fruit such as ; apples, pears, bananas, grapes, kiwi - as many different fruits as you can of big quantity.

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