How to Help Your Family Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Low-fat Cookbooks
- Health Club Memberships
- Basketball Hoops
- Basketballs
- Road Bikes
- Skis
- Children's Bicycles
Take a trip to the grocery store together. Let everyone choose his or her favorite nutritious foods, and remind one another to avoid the junk food aisles.
Share low-fat recipes and healthy cooking tips, and put these to good use by preparing meals together.
Serve reasonably proportioned meals on individual plates. That is, bring to the table plates that are already full as opposed to passing around dishes where family members can simply help themselves.
Take a walk together after dinner.
Turn off that television set and computer monitor and spend time together doing more active things - play some football, shoot some hoops, ride bicycles around the neighborhood.
Join a health club together - be sure to ask about family or group rates.
Indulge in your family's taste for adventure by planning the next vacation around an activity that requires movement, such as hiking, skiing, canoeing or whitewater rafting.