How to Fast When You Have Children
Things You'll Need
- Sticky notes
- Pens
- Paper
Talk to your children before you start your fast. Explain what a fast is and what fasting means to you. Try to explain to them the importance of your fast, and why you need them to respect your fast.
Ask your children to write down three ways in which they can help you successfully complete your fast. Some good ideas to give them may be not eating in front of you, going out to play for the day, or even doing some of the chores around the house during your fast. Put these lists somewhere visible, like on the fridge or on each bedroom door, so you children will be reminded of them when you are fasting.
Prepare lunch and dinner for your children the night before your fast begins. Some good examples of healthy and fast food for lunch may be turkey and tomato sandwiches, scrambled eggs, or even a light pasta with tomato sauce dish. For dinner, buy a roasted chicken or make a simple meal that keeps well in the fridge, like pork stir-fry. Write down on sticky notes how long to microwave each dish for, so you kids can cook it themselves when they get hungry. Not having to cook for anyone during your fast can help you complete it.
Eat a large family meal the night before your fast. Be sure to drink lots of water before you fast, so you don't get too dehydrated. Having a family meal will allow you to talk to your children one last time about your upcoming fast, and remind them how they can help you complete it.
Encourage your children to play outside or with other kids during your fast. Try to get them out of the house, so you don't spend too much energy caring for them. The more energy your children spend playing, the less likely they will be to overwhelm you with their needs or wants later on.