Does Jogging Really Burn More Calories Than Running?
Calories Burned Jogging
You can burn 240 calories in 30 minutes jogging at pace of 5 miles per hour if you weigh 125 pounds and 355 calories if you weigh 185 pounds, according to Harvard Medical School. Jogging at a pace of 5 miles per hour means you’re completing one mile in 12 minutes. Jog at this pace for one hour and you can burn 480 to 710 calories depending on your body weight. The more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn jogging. reports that if you weigh 240 pounds you’ll burn 905 calories jogging 5 miles in one hour.
Calories Burned Running
You’ll burn about 330 calories in 30 minutes running at a pace of 6.7 miles per hour if you weigh 125 pounds and 488 calories if you weigh 185 pounds, according to Harvard Medical School. The faster you run, the more calories you’ll burn. Although you can burn more calories running versus jogging, it’s more difficult to run at a fast pace for 30 to 60 minutes than it is to jog at a slower pace for the same duration. If jogging allows you to exercise for a longer period of time before fatigue sets in, you’ll burn more total calories during a jogging workout.
Jogging vs. Biking
Although running burns more calories than jogging, jogging generally burns more calories than biking. Harvard Medical School reports that a 125- to 185-pound person will burn 210 to 311 calories in 30 minutes and 420 to 622 calories in one hour biking at a moderate pace. However, if you boost your biking intensity to a vigorous pace you can burn additional calories, or about 315 to 466 calories in 30 minutes, Harvard Medical School reports.
Your calorie intake is more important than your calorie expenditure when it comes to healthy weight management. While it may take you 30 minutes to burn 300 calories jogging, you can easily reduce your calorie intake the same amount by simply eliminating just two cans of regular soda or two small cookies each day. If you reduce your intake by 500 calories daily you should lose about 1 pound per week, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.