Which Exercise Burns More Calories, Jumping Jacks or Situps?
Jumping Jacks Calories Burned
As with any type of exercise, you'll burn more calories if you weigh more and increase the duration and intensity of the workout. According to HealthStatus, a 180-pound person who performs jumping jacks at a moderate pace for 30 minutes will burn 183 calories. If the same individual can maintain a vigorous pace for 30 minutes of jumping jacks, she'll burn 329 calories.
Situps Calories Burned
Situps are an effective way to build your abdominal muscles and burn the same number of calories as a set of jumping jacks. A 180-pound person who performs situps at a moderate pace for 30 minutes will burn 183 calories, while a 180-pound person who performs vigorous situps for 30 minutes will burn 329 calories.
Jumping Jacks Benefits
In addition to their simplicity and ability to help you burn calories, jumping jacks provide several benefits that contribute positively to your health. This exercise requires the use of a number of your muscle groups and in just a few moments, it will elevate your heart rate. Common benefits of aerobic exercises such as jumping jacks include regulating your weight, improving your endurance, reducing your risk of developing serious health conditions and improving your mood.
Situps Benefits
Situps are an effective way to build your abdominal muscles, which can lead to the six-pack abs that might be on your fitness wishlist. In an article in "Men's Health" magazine, University of Tulsa professor Patrick Hagerman notes that crunches don't put your abs through a full range of motion, which makes full situps a more effective exercise. In addition to building your abs, situps can also strengthen your hip flexors. General benefits of strength training include building strong bones, helping you maintain a healthy weight and lessening your chance of an injury.