How to Lose the Extra Skin From Being Fat
Things You'll Need
- Body scrub
- Moisturizer
- Water
- Essential fatty acid supplements
Scrub your skin at least twice a week. Use a commercial body scrub, a loofah or exfoliating mitt to gradually eliminate dead skin cells. Massage your skin in a circular motion while taking a shower. Exfoliating your skin promotes blood circulation, allows new skin cells to emerge and it opens your skin's pores so moisture is better absorbed.
Moisturize your skin to keep it in good condition. Use a skin-firming moisturizer that is geared toward inducing collagen and elastin production.
Drink water all throughout the day. Water hydrates your body and a hydrated body works at its best. Hydrated skin also appears firmer than dry skin.
Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine. If you lose weight without incorporating strength training, you also lose muscle tissue, which makes the skin appear saggy and loose. Replace the lost weight with lean muscle tissue. Changing your body's composition and creating a solid base below the loose skin make it appear tighter and firmer. Consider hiring a licensed physical fitness trainer to help introduce you to weightlifting machines, free-weight exercises and body-weight exercises.
Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables and essential fatty acids, such as those found in salmon and flax seed. Essential fatty acids help maintain the health of your skin. Take an essential fatty acid supplement as an alternative; this can be a fish oil or flax oil supplement.