How to Keep Off Weight After Moving in With a Boyfriend
Limit eating out to one to two times per week. Couples may eat out more often, because when moving in together their budgets merge, and more money is available. Restaurant portions are often over-sized and high in calories. Cook meals together at home so you are in control of the ingredients you use.
Stick to the exercise routine you had before moving in together. Motivate your partner to workout with you, as much as your schedule allows. Otherwise, work out by yourself. Consider getting a gym membership together, because paying to workout, may help motivate both of you go regularly to the gym.
Have healthy snacks readily available. If your boyfriend easily reaches for pizza and beer, make sure to have healthy snacks at home, so you won't give in to the unhealthy fare. Eat snacks, such as granola bars, low-fat yogurt, light popcorn, fruit and raw nuts.
Go on active dates. Instead of going to dinner and a movie, plan more active activities. Take a hike together, go ice skating, enjoy bowling or look into group sports.
Keep your stress level low, because stress stimulates the release of cortisol. According to The Natural Health Website for women, the stress hormone cortisol is linked to weight gain, especially in the waist. Take time for yourself, away from your boyfriend. Enjoy activities that you engaged in before moving in together. Take a bath, go shopping with girlfriends or get a manicure and pedicure.