How To Drop a Dress Size for Teens
Cultivate healthy eating habits. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, fiber and whole grains. Decrease your consumption of fat, grease and simple sugars. It is also important to watch your portion sizes. To lose one pound, you must have a deficit of 3,500 calories. This means that if you cut 500 calories a day, either through diet or exercise, you will lose one pound a week.
Engage in some form of aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Whether it is running, biking, or even just walking, this will greatly increase your weight loss success. Individuals who engage in aerobic activity more than three times a week are more likely to lose weight.
Engage in a variety of anaerobic activities for at least 30 minutes three times a week. These exercises should be targeted at toning and strengthening your muscles. You can lift weights, do yoga, Pilates or various body-sculpting exercises to build muscles. Look through a fitness magazine for inspiration if you are not sure what sort of exercises you should try. As you build muscle, you may actually gain weight. However, you will lose inches and look better.
Monitor your progress every week. You can do this by weighing yourself, but you should also measure yourself since losing inches is your ultimate goal. You may also want to try on a "goal" dress in the smaller size each week to see whether it is getting closer to fitting.
Ask your family for support. Having them on your side can truly help you eat more healthfully and stay committed to an exercise regimen. If you struggle to lose the weight, speak to your school counselor or a nutritionist for extra help.