How to Lose Your Lower Side Fat
Reduce Body Fat
Determine your current body fat percentage. The easiest way to do this is to purchase a body fat scale. These scales, equipped with bioeletrical impedance analysis technology, not only measure your overall body weight, but also calculate your body fat percentage. A more basic way to estimate body fat percentage is to use a cloth measuring tape to measure the girth of the widest part of your bicep, forearm, abdomen, buttock, thigh and calf areas of your body. Use one of the following formulas to calculate your body fat percentage where A=Abdomen, B=Bicep, C=Calf, D=Buttock and E=Thigh:
For Young Men (18-26 years):
B + A -- B -- 10.2 = Body Fat Percentage
For Men (27-50 years):
D + A -- B -- 15 = Body Fat Percentage
For Young Women (18-26 years):
A + E -- B -- 19.6 = Body Fat Percentage
For Women (27-50 years):
B + A -- C -- 15 = Body Fat Percentage
Use an online calorie calculator to determine how many calories you consume daily to maintain your current weight. Subtract 500 calories from this number. This is the amount of calories you must consume daily to lose 1 to 2 lbs. of body fat per week.
Monitor your daily calorie intake, so you do not exceed nor fall too far below the number of calories calculated in Step 2. Reducing your calorie intake too much slows down your metabolism and makes losing body fat more difficult.
Engage in 30 to 60 minutes of daily aerobic exercise. Your aerobic workout should be vigorous enough to increase your heart rate to 75 to 85 percent of maximum. To calculate your maximum heart rate (mhr), subtract your age from 220. Multiply the result first by .75, then by .85, to determine your aerobic fat burning zone.
Repeat Step 1 every one to two weeks to track your fat-loss progress.
Tone Oblique Muscle
Secure a resistance band to a door. Grip the handles of the band with both hands. Keep your arms straight as you use your abdominal muscles to slowly twist your body from one side to the other. Perform four reps of eight. Repeat on the other side.
Stand with your arms at your side and a weight in your hand. Bend your body to the side as low as you can comfortably go, using your side abdominal muscles. Lift your body up and bend the other way. Perform four reps of eight.
Move the weight to the other hand and repeat Step 2.