Eating Tips for Your Obliques

Sleek, toned obliques -- the side abdominal muscles -- can make you look shapely and sexy. It is important to note that you cannot reduce fat in a specific area of your body; you have to reduce total fat with exercising and diet if you want to see a change in your obliques. For optimizing your abs, make a few changes to your eating habits.
  1. Reduce Calories

    • The sure-fire way to reveal your obliques is by reducing your calories. To lose a pound of body fat, you must burn or cut about 3,500 calories. Instead of starving yourself or eating bland diet foods, try making tiny cuts in your diet. Eat a little bit less cereal, or cut out alcohol for most days of the week. Do not add cream to your coffee, and do not grab a handful of candies off your boss's desk. The little differences you make to your diet add up over time to big changes in your obliques.

    Eat Small Meals

    • Instead of eating two or three meals a day, try eating five to six smaller meals. Eating less more often will stimulate your metabolism so that your body naturally burns more calories throughout the day. In addition, you will be less likely to get spikes of hunger, which could cause you to overeat. A couple of these meals could be healthy snacks, like fruits, protein bars, or a small bag of nuts.

    Balance Carbs, Protein, and Fat

    • Eat meals that are high in protein and moderate in carbohydrates. Carbs do not keep you full like protein does. High protein, moderate fat meals help keep insulin levels level, making your body less likely to store fat. Eat wholegrain or complex carbs when you are choosing breads or cereals, which take your body longer to process, keep you full, and energized for longer. Cutting fat can substantially reduce your calories, as a gram of fat has about nine calories, but don't cut out too much fat. Low-fat meals can mean fewer calories, but it can also mean you will still feel hungry, and could lead to you eating more.

    Eat Breakfast

    • It is easy to skip breakfast and feel like you are doing yourself a calorie-cutting favor. However, the reality is that eating breakfast prevents you from overeating later on in the day by keeping your sugar levels regulated. In addition, eating breakfast boosts your metabolism so that you burn more calories throughout the day.

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