How to Calculate Weight Using the Harris Benedict Equation
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
Multiply 6.23 by your weight in pounds. Circle the result.
Example for a man who weighs 200 pounds:
6.23 * 200 = 1,246
Multiply 12.7 by your height in inches. Circle the result.
Example for a man who is 6 feet (72 inches) tall:
12.7 * 72 = 914.4
Multiply 6.8 by your age in years. Circle the result.
Example for a man who is 30 years old:
6.8 * 30 = 204
Add the results from Steps 1 and 2, plus 66. Minus the result from Step 3. This is your BMR.
1,246 + 914.4 + 66 = 2,226.4
2,226.4 - 204 = 2,022.4
Multiply your BMR by 1.2 if you do not routinely exercise.
Multiply your BMR by 1.375 if you engage in light exercise or sport 1 to 3 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.55 if you engage in moderate exercise or sport 3 to 5 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.725 if you engage in hard exercise or sport 6 to 7 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.9 if you engage in hard exercise or sport 6 to 7 days per week, and you have a very physical job.
The result is your daily calorie needs to maintain your current weight.
Multiply 4.35 by your weight in pounds. Circle the result.
Example for a woman who is 130 pounds:
4.35 * 130 = 565.5
Multiply 4.7 by your height in inches. Circle the result.
Example for a woman who is 5 feet 5 inches (65 inches) tall:
4.7 * 65 = 305.5
Multiply 4.7 by your age in years. Circle the result.
Example for a woman who is 30 years old:
4.7 * 30 = 141
Add the results from Steps 1 and 2, plus 655. Minus the result from Step 3. This is your BMR.
Example: 565.5 + 305.5 + 655 = 1,526
1,526 -- 141 = 1,385
Multiply your BMR by 1.2 if you do not routinely exercise.
Multiply your BMR by 1.375 if you engage in light exercise or sport 1 to 3 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.55 if you engage in moderate exercise or sport 3 to 5 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.725 if you engage in hard exercise or sport 6 to 7 days per week.
Multiply your BMR by 1.9 if you engage in hard exercise or sport 6 to 7 days per week, and you have a very physical job.
The result is your daily calorie needs to maintain your current weight.