How to Rid Type G Bodies of Fat
The gonadal body type, or G-type, is characterized by a more supple lower body. Women with G-type bodies tend to put on weight around the hips or the thighs. Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle at first, no matter what your body type. Once you find the routine that is perfect for your body type, you will see the pounds fall off. Women with G-type bodies will lose fat most effectively by starting a routine that helps them eat better and work out moderately though effectively.Things You'll Need
- Fresh foods
Exercise to burn fat. Cardiovascular workouts are good for your heart health and will help women with G-type bodies burn those unwanted fat pounds. Start running or jogging for 30 to 45 minutes three to four days a week. Do not overdo the jogging or running, because G-type bodies types easily build up muscle mass. Your lower body may actually appear larger if you go too far with your workouts. Lift free weights to build upper arm strength so your upper body is as toned as your lower body.
Curb your cravings. According to "Women's Day Magazine," many G-type women crave spicy foods or foods that are prepared with cream or cheese. These types of foods are generally high in fat and will provide the body with little more than extra calories, which will turn into fat if they aren't burned off. Instead of giving into cravings, eat fresh fruits or vegetables and notice the change in your energy level and cravings.
Train yourself to eat right for your G-type body. Women with G body types should primarily eat fresh fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy products such as low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, according to Dr. Abravanel Elliot, author of "Dr.Abravanel's Body Type Diet." Lean meats such as chicken and whole grains should also be diet staples. Abravanel recommends that G-types drink parsley tea regularly for proper digestive function.
Follow general healthy eating rules. "Women's Day Magazine" says women with G-type bodies should watch meal portions. Excessive portions encourage people to consume extra calories. "Women's Day" also recommends eating fresh, rather than processed, foods and limiting red meat intake.