How to Decrease Your Midsection
Makeover your diet. The majority of your nutrition should come from vegetables, lean protein and high-fiber grains.
Cut out the fried foods, sugar and refined carbohydrates--found in foods like white bread and white rice. These foods do more harm than good, providing little nutrition for their high calorie count. Snack on fruit, vegetables and nuts if you're hungry between meals.
Shed excess body weight in the midsection by exercising for at least 30 minutes every other day. Cardiovascular exercise is essential for burning through belly fat. Get moving by jogging, playing tennis, biking, swimming or hitting the gym at a moderate intensity.
Strengthen abs by performing plank exercises every other day. Lay flat on your stomach then lift up onto your elbows. Suck your stomach into your spine and hold this position for as long as you can. Work up to holding for a full minute. Repeat up to five times.
Perform sets of crunches three to five days a week. Lay flat on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Fold your hands behind your head then lift your upper body off the ground. Relax your neck as you lift forward toward your knees. Hold for a moment then drop back down to the ground. Work your way up to three sets of 30 crunches.
Monitor your progress by setting small goals. Aim to replace your midday cookie break with a healthier snack, run for a little longer each day and hold the plank for a few minutes more every time your perform it. Start small and work your way up gradually.