Site That Rates Weight-Loss Programs

Whether you are looking to lose a little or a lot of weight, the diet and nutrition industry is an ocean of good, bad and fad weight-loss programs. If you need some help examining available options, Consumer Search and its competitors offer reviews and ratings from expert and consumer perspectives. By learning more about each weight-loss program and how others rate it, you may be able to choose the program best suited to your body type and personality.
  1. Consumer Search Overview

    • Consumer Search rates and reviews studies and comparisons of popular weight-loss programs. Based on those ratings, it ranks the best program reviews. This site provides ratings for weight-loss program sources such as clinical studies and expert publications that compare diets for treatment of chronic diseases. It uses a five-star rating scale that indicates an assessment of the research clarity and thoroughness. For each study or comparison, Consumer Search provides a summary and a brief description of the assessment. Keep in mind that some linked text in the full reviews -- marked with an "i" icon -- shows related products on, and the site may earn a commission on sales made through clicking those icons. Other linked text, however, may lead to extended product reviews.

    Ratings Criteria

    • Consumer Search rates the weight-loss program reviews based on timeliness, methodology and reviewer credentials. Five-star ratings apply to more recent studies that compare multiple programs and products; however a collection of reviews may be treated as a single comparison if the same group or expert completes all reviews, and it is easy to determine which weight-loss program the reviewer favors. Consumer Search prefers to award higher ratings to professional publications that don’t accept advertising as it feels these publications are more likely to be objective. When you are looking for expert information about weight-loss programs, choose the five-star reviews as your sources.

    Other Site Features

    • In addition to the list of all source reviews, Consumer Search offers a Buying Guide that explains what you should look for when choosing a weight-loss program. The site also offers extended reviews and information for its Top Four Best Reviewed weight-loss programs to help you make sense of the data. You can also read reviews for diet books and online weight-loss programs. If you’ve ever wanted to compare the cost and effectiveness of meal-replacement diets, such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, the Consumer Search website reviews those as well.


    • If you’re looking for other sources of weight-loss program ratings, there are a few Consumer Search competitors you can turn to for a second opinion. Consumer Reports, which requires a paid subscription, rates diet plans based on consumers' surveys. It offers ratings for pounds lost, customer satisfaction and a number of other categories. "U.S. News and World Report" also provides weight-loss program ratings and reviews to its readers. For each program rated from one to five stars, "U.S. News and World Report" provides links to consumer reviews and recipes, where applicable. You can also find the best-of programs for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

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