How to Jump Rope With a Partner
Single Rope
Enlist the assistance of at least one other person to turn the rope as you jump. If you have one rope turner, tie the other end of the rope to a fence, post or any steady object. If you have two rope turners it will be easier for them to work together and ensure the rope hits the ground at the right time.
Face your partner, standing in the middle of the rope. You and your partner should be a few feet away from one another to avoid mid-air collisions. Ask your turners to rotate the rope slowly at first, and focus on timing your jumps so that you and your partner clear the rope at the same time. As you get your rhythm right, ask your turner to pick up the pace. A faster pace will help you improve your jumping skills and also grant a more intense workout.
Jump with a partner by turning the rope yourself to work your arms. Stand in the middle of the rope with your partner facing you. Hold the rope loosely on the ground behind you, then slowly turn the rope over your head. Jump with your partner at the same time. As you master synchronized jumping, build up to faster speeds.
Double-Dutch Jumping
Build up to double-dutch jumping. You'll need two people to turn the ropes to avoid tripping. Have your rope turners stand facing one another, turning a rope in each hand. The turners should swing the first rope and then, as it reaches the up position, swing the other rope up in the opposite direction.
Face your partner and prepare to jump over the first rope as it hits the ground. Jump again when the second rope hits the ground. Lift both feet off of the ground when you jump, rather than trying to hop on one foot over each rope. Begin at a slow pace and gradually increase to more intensity.
Increase the difficulty of your routine by jumping in and out of the double dutch rope. When both ropes are off the ground, quickly jump away from the rope as your partner continues to jump. Then, when both ropes are off of the ground again, jump back in and begin jumping.