Fat-Burning Circuit-Training Workouts
Types of Exercise
Typically, workout sessions such as circuit training include either cardio exercises or resistance-training exercises; it's rare to combine both. But if maximum fat burning is your goal, you should combine both in your circuit-training routine. Research from the February 2007 issue of "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" indicates that the fat-burning potential of cardio is enhanced when you perform resistance training in conjunction with it.
Exercises to Include
To make the most of your time, choose compound exercises for your circuit-training routine. Compound exercises recruit multiple muscle groups, which increases the amount of calories you burn when performing them. Also, compound exercises promote the release of growth hormone, which assists in burning fat. Consider populating your fat-burning circuit with exercises such as the chest press, leg press, squats, overhead press, cable row and deadlift.
Rest Periods
Believe it or not, a factor as seemingly insignificant as the length of the periods of rest between your exercises can affect how much fat you burn. Shorter rest periods allow you to dedicate more of your time in the gym to moving and burning calories, which can improve your chances of fat loss. Additionally, rest periods of one minute or less can encourage increased production of growth hormone, which also assists your fat-burning pursuits.
Repetition Rangers and Resistance Level
To burn fat effectively, you need to maximize intensity, and this can be done with both heavy and light weights. If you use heavier weights, you can perform fewer repetitions of each exercise. If you opt for lighter weights -- and if you're just starting out, lighter weights are advisable -- be sure to perform high-repetition sets, such as 15 to 20 reps, to reach a high level of intensity.