How to Satisfy a Craving With 2 Point Snacks (Weight Watchers)
Many snacks can be found that count as 2 points or less on the Weight Watchers Momentum Plan.
Even if you are not following the Weight Watchers plan, these snacks are low in calories and can help satisfy your craving.
- 2 cups of plain microwave popcorn = 2 points
- 11 baked style potato chips = 2 points
- 7 regular type potato chips = 2 points
- 20 peanuts, 7 cashews or 12 almonds = 2 points
- Most 100 calorie packs are only 2 points (Be sure to double check the label - some are 3 points).
- Rice Krispie Treat - store bought, individually wrapped = 2 points
- Jell-O 100 Calorie Pack - Vanilla, Chocolate or Tapioca = 2 points
- Cookies: 2 Fig Newton type cookies OR 2 Chocolate Sandwich Cremes OR 2 shortbread type cookies = 2 points
- 1 Cup of Kellogg's Froot Loops = 2 points
- Veggies like cucumbers, peppers and celery are all zero points values. But you can dip them in 2 tablespoons of lite honey mustard dressing or 1 tablespoon of Hidden Valley Ranch Original dressing for only 2 points.
- If you prefer to use something more like a dip - 1/2 cup of fat free sour cream is also 2 points. You can add onion powder or dried minced onion
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