How to Get Exercise Points With Weight Watchers
Plan an exercise routine. There are unlimited resources for planning your exercise program. Choose an activity that best suits your physical ability. Low impact water aerobics are good for people who have trouble with joint pain or can’t get around very well. You can also walk which is a great way to get fresh air and exercise at the same time. During the winter months it is best to find an indoor activity such as a gym to keep you active. Weight Watchers advises their members to exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week. Once you choose the routine to best fit your schedule, get going and try to be consistent with it.
Calculate how many minutes you were active. Not only do you need the recommended exercise but Weight Watchers does not limit how many exercise points you can receive each day. The more time you spend working out the more activity points you will have to use. The exercise points accumulate throughout the day so keeping track of time spent doing activities like walking, scrubbing the floors, raking the leaves or weeding the garden can really add up.
Rate the intensity level of your activity. Every activity you participate in will be of a different intensity level. Low intensity consists of activities you can perform without breaking a sweat. When you are exercising at a moderate intensity level, you will start sweating after about 10 minutes. High intensity workouts will cause you to sweat in three to five minutes. The higher the intensity level the more points you will receive so make sure to pay attention to your body while you are active so you can rate what intensity level your exercise is at.
Calculate your exercise points. The Points Booster is a slider provided by Weight Watchers to help you figure your activity points. To calculate your points align the intensity level with the minutes of activity you have performed. Without moving the slide, locate your body weight and determine the points by looking in the Points Value window next to where your body weight is listed. Make sure to calculate the points of your activities throughout the day separately since they will most likely have different intensity levels.
Use your points as you choose. Once you have figured the total of your activity points write them down in your daily register as a deposit. You can then use them during the rest of your day towards food or beverages. The points do not roll over to the next day so make sure to use whatever points you would like before the day is over. When you start using activity points you need to realize that the exercise programs are there to help you lose weight faster. If you use all of the points you accumulate during the day you will loose weight at a much slower pace. People who are close to or have already met their weight goal often use activity to increase their daily points so they can continue to eat the foods they like.
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