How to Find a Weight Watchers Meeting Location
Visit the Weight Watchers website. The Weight Watchers website is a valuable source of information whether you plan to use the online program or choose the traditional in-person method. The Weight Watchers website features a search tool to find meeting locations in your area.
Click the "Find a Meeting" link to choose your search options. The Find a Meeting link is located at the top of each Weight Watchers page. This link takes you to a form that allows you to search for a meeting location that works best for you. In fact, you can search by zip code or city and state.
Narrow your results to a day or time that works for you. As with any other weight loss plan, you will only stick to your Weight Watchers meetings if they are convenient. The online search feature also allows you to narrow your results by the day or time that works best for you. You have the option to choose morning (6 a.m. to 12 p.m.) and afternoon (12 p.m. to 6 p.m.) or even evening (6 p.m. to 11 p.m.) hours. Then all you need to do is check the box on the day that works best for you.
Choose your location. There may be several locations to choose from, even after you have narrowed your results. In order to choose the best location, you will want to pick a location close to your home. It also helps to choose a location you're familiar with. Once you choose a location, you'll be able to get driving directions and more instructions on attending your first Weight Watchers meeting.
Sign up for your first Weight Watchers meeting. Not only can you find a meeting online, you can also sign up for Weight Watchers. There are various plans that let you purchase monthly or weekly passes.