How to Use Weight Watchers Online
Sign up online at the Weight Watchers home page. Click the "Sign up today" button to go through the simple sign-up process.
You will receive an email at the email address you registered. Read this email for helpful hints for using Weight Watchers Online.
Begin personalizing your account. First, click on "The Plan" tab. This tab has 4 sub-headings. Begin with the "Using this site" sub-heading to learn the 5 site features that are most useful for weight loss support.
Under "The Plan" tab, read "First Steps," "Living with the Plan," and "Maintaining Your Weight," to get an overview of Weight Watchers' Flex Plan for weight loss. If you would like to change to the Core Plan, click on the plan name in the top left-hand corner.
On the side tool bar, you will find the "Plan Manager." The Plan Manager includes the Points Tracker and a Recipe Builder. The first time you click on any Plan Manager sub-heading, you will be walked through a tutorial on how to use the manager. The Points Tracker keeps up with the points you have used each day when you enter the foods you eat. The Recipe Builder allows you to enter each ingredient in a recipe one time, then save the food under "View my recipes." The Plan Manager also allows you to track your activity level each day.
Underneath the Plan Manager, click on the Weight Tracker. The Weight Tracker tracks your weight loss each week, so you can see your progress. The first time you click on the Weight Tracker, you will be asked to confirm your start date, your current weight and your weight tracking day. Pick a day to weigh yourself each week to keep your progress consistent.
Use the "Meal Ideas" tab to find ideas for 3 meals and 1 snack each day. Put a check mark on the meals you use to add them to your Points Tracker and shopping list. You can also choose a different meal option by clicking on the "swap for another meal?" pull-down menu.
Use the "My Message Boards" tab to find and participate in discussions with other Weight Watchers Online members. "My Posts" will save your board discussion comments in one location for you.
The "Food and Recipes" tab contains recipe ideas and the latest nutrition information.
The "Fitness and Health" tab offers exercise demonstrations, new ideas for fitness and a BMI calculator.