How to Shop for the Weight Watchers Core Plan
Spend a lot of time in the produce section. The core plan allows you to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want, so really splurge on good, in-season produce. Consider visiting a farmer's market to get the tastiest local fruits and vegetables. The more colorful, flavorful produce you have at home, the less likely you are to snack on processed foods and therefore use up your weekly point allowance.
Choose fat-free dairy products. Skim milk and its byproducts such as fat free yogurt (plain flavored) and cheese are Core items. You may have as much of these foods as you care to eat, but be reasonable. Any dieter knows that milk products have some sugar content and calories. Fat free milk is also needed to enjoy some of the other Core foods, such as whole grain cereal.
Look for whole grain products. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice and other whole grains are on the Core list and add nutritional impact to the Weight Watchers plan. Their high fiber content helps make you feel full, so load your cart with healthy whole grains.
Pick your proteins. Lean meats, poultry and fish can be eaten as you wish on the Core plan, as long as they are prepared with Core ingredients, such as healthy oils. Choose lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken and add eggs to your cart as well. Protein from these sources helps build muscle which burns calories and improves weight loss.
Satisfy your thirst. Pack your cart with tea, flavored water and any other sugar and calorie free drinks. Sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst, so drink up. You may have as much coffee, tea and other sugar free beverages as you care to drink.