How to Keep a Weight Watchers Journal
Use the paper journal you get at the Weight Watchers meetings, or just use a regular notebook. Many find a notebook more helpful for tracking their eating habits over a long period of time.
Add the day of the week and the date at the top of your Weight Watchers journal or a clean page in your notebook.
Put your total number of points at the top-right corner of your journal. Keep a narrow column running downward so you can easily subtract the points you've used and keep a running tally throughout the day.
Figure the points value for everything you eat. Write down the food and beverages you consumed and the points value for that food. Remember to count condiments and dressings as you figure your totals.
Mark a "W" for each glass of water you consume at the bottom of your Weight Watchers journal. Mark a "D" for every serving of dairy so you can keep track of your daily requirements.