How to Choose Weight Watchers Food

Weight Watchers is one of the most popular weight loss plans today. It popularity is due in part to the fact that you don't have to purchase Weight Watcher's food to follow their diet. Whether you decide on using the popular Points Food System (Flex Plan) to select foods or the more recent Core Plan, there is variety and freedom in the foods you choose.


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      Choose the plan you want to follow. Pick up additional information and points books at your local Weight Watchers meeting or join Weight Watchers online.

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      Assign yourself the allotted points range based on your current weight. This assigned range fluctuates as you lose weight.

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      Find a Weight Watchers points guidebook for points on a variety of foods and for fast food sources. There are many online resources carrying up-to-date Weight Watchers information. Carry the guidebook with you for easy reference while shopping or going out to eat.

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      Journal the foods you eat and the points spent on each food for every meal while doing the Flex Plan. Keep the total points within your daily Weight Watchers points range.

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      Plan meals around Weight Watchers Core Food list if you don't want to journal your foods and keep track of points. Core Foods are low in calories and keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

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