How Many Calories
- Apple (medium size) - 95 calories
- Banana - 105 calories
- Bread (one slice) - 75 calories
- Butter (one tablespoon) - 102 calories
- Carrot - 41 calories
- Chicken breast (cooked, skinless) - 172 calories
- Cola (12 oz) - 140 calories
- Egg - 72 calories
- Hamburger bun - 125 calories
- Lettuce - 5 calories
- Milk (one cup) - 149 calories
- Orange - 62 calories
- Potato (baked with skin) - 164 calories
- Rice (cooked, one cup) - 206 calories
- Salmon fillet (cooked) - 208 calories
- Yogurt (one cup) - 149 calories
These values are approximate and may vary based on the specific type, size, and cooking methods of the food. It's always best to check the nutrition label of a particular food item for the most accurate calorie information.