What Are the Benefits of Weight Watchers?
Weight Watchers promotes healthy eating habits.
Weight Watchers offers weekly meetings to keep you motivated and teach you how to stick to a healthy lifestyle. According to a 2008 Weight Watchers tracking survey, 96 percent of Weight Watchers meetings members say they would recommend meetings to a friend.
Weight Watchers Online offers an alternative to people who do not wish to attend meetings. There are tools, recipes and forums to help you stay on track.
Weight Watchers offers a customized plan for men including meal plans for families or men who travel often.
The Points system takes into account a food's calories, fat and fiber content. Points help you keep track of what you eat, allowing you to eat anything you want in moderation, emphasizing nutrition.
Smart Ones
Weight Watchers offers Smart Ones, which are premade meals or food items with the points already calculated for you. Smart Ones are available in most grocery stores.