How Many Points a Day for Weight Watchers?
How Points Work
Everything you eat has a point value to help you keep track of how much you consume throughout the day. According to the Weight Watchers website, this value is based on calories, fat and fiber. You can figure out how many points a food is worth by looking at the nutrition facts and entering these values into a point calculator.
How Many Points Allowed Per Day
The number of points you should consume per day is based on your current weight. According to Starling Fitness, the point allowances based on weight are as follows:
Less than 150 pounds: 20 Points/Day
150 to 174 pounds: 22 Points/Day
175 to 199 pounds: 24 Points/Day
200 to 224 pounds: 26 Points/Day
225 to 250 pounds: 28 Points/Day
250 to 275 pounds: 30 Points/Day
275 to 300 pounds: 31 Points/Day
300 to 325 pounds: 33 Points/Day
More than 350 pounds: 34 Points/Day
Flex Points
You do get some leverage outside of your daily points allowance on Weight Watchers. According to Starling Fitness, each week, you can consume up to 35 points of any food or drink you'd like, on any day of the week. You can split the points up over the seven days, or save a large chunk of points for a special occasion or treat.
Activity Points
According to Starling Fitness, you also can earn activity points through various forms of exercise. Just like there is a points calculator, you can also use an activity points calculator. Enter the intensity of exercise and the amount of time you did it, and you can figure out how many extra points you earned that day.
The Momentum Program
Weight Watchers recently introduced the Momentum Program, which is still based on the points system. The program is centered around "Filling Foods," which should limit hunger feelings while remaining within your points budget. Filling Foods range from simple snacks, such as cherries, to ingredients you can include in entrees, such as whole-wheat pasta.
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