What Is My Weight Watchers Point Range?
A female receives two daily points, unless she's nursing; then she receives 12. A man is allotted eight daily points.
Anyone younger than 17 must talk to a Weight Watchers representative to decide a daily points range. If you're between the ages of 17 and 26, you receive four daily points. People ages 27 to 37 are allowed three points, those who are 38 to 47 receive two points, and anyone between the ages of 48 and 58 receives one point. If you're over 58 years old, zero points are allotted.
The first two digits of your weight go toward your points range. For example, if you currently weigh 248 lbs., you receive 24 more points. If you weigh less than 100 lbs., only the first digit counts toward your point allowance (i.e., nine points for a 99-lb. woman).
The Weight Watchers program takes three height ranges into consideration for the daily points range: shorter than 5 feet 1 inch, between 5 feet 1 inch and 5 feet\ 10 inches, and taller than 5 feet 10 inches. For the first range, you receive zero points. Those in the second range obtain one point, and if you're in the third range, you add two points.
Activity Level
In this case, activity means how you typically spend the majority of your day. If you're sitting down most of the day, you don't gain any points. If you mainly stand up on the job, you get two points. If you walk around a lot, add four more points. If you physically work hard most of the time, like a gardener or construction worker, you obtain six points.