How to Calculate Weight Points
Things You'll Need
- Calculator (optional)
Finding Your Daily Allowance
Remove the last digit from your weight to find your starting allowance. For example a 200 pound person would have an allowance of 20 to begin.
Add eight points if you are a man, 12 points if you are a nursing woman, seven points if you are a woman that is nursing as well as bottle feeding, and two points if you are a woman that is not nursing.
Add one point if you are 58 years old or younger, and additional point if you are 47 or younger, a third point if you are 37 or younger and a fourth point if you are 26 or younger.
Add two points if your day sees you standing more than sitting, an additional two points if you walk throughout the day and an additional two points if you do strenuous physical activity. For example; a day spent walking is worth four points: two for standing and two for walking.
Add one point if you are taller than 5 feet 1 inch tall, and a second point if you are taller than 5 feet 10 inches. The total is your daily allowance.
Food Calculation
Divide the grams of fiber, up to four grams, by five and record the value.
Divide the grams of fat by 12.
Divide the calories by 50.
Add the result for calories and fat, then subtract the result for fiber.
Round to the nearest point to find the food's value.
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