How to Save My Weight Watchers Points
Write down how many points you are allowed to spend per day, then calculate how many points you will need for your special occasion. Count the number of days you have until the event. Divide the needed points by the number of days left to the event. Now you know how many points to subtract from your daily allotted points for each day until the event. By subtracting points daily, you should save up enough points to enjoy your special occasion.
Eat more of low- to zero-point foods. In addition to fulfilling the hunger that you will most likely feel while subtracting points, these low-point foods allow you to eat more without racking up too many points. Under the Weight Watchers program, low-point foods refer to foods high in fiber, such as beans. The program emphasizes eating food that is high in fiber, including fiber-laden vegetables and high-fiber starches such as whole-wheat bread. In addition, eat zero-point foods such as beets, spinach, cucumber and turnips. Under the Weight Watchers program nearly all fruits types are given a zero point value. Also, invest time in cooking low-point recipes, which come equipped with point values per serving.
Enhance your exercise regimen, and increase your activity level. By increasing your activity level and monitoring your points, you can accumulate bonus points to be used on your special day. Weight Watchers' Points Booster slide helps you calculate the amount of points you have gained by doing more exercise. Simple things such as jogging around your block or using the stairs instead of the elevator can help you accumulate bonus points. Most important, remain motivated. Visualize how you will spend your hard-earned points while staying on the program and losing a few extra pounds all at the same time.