How to Calculate Your Daily Weight Watcher Points

Weight Watchers program operates on a "points" system instead of counting calories. To lose weight properly on Weight Watchers you are assigned a daily point limit. Each person is given different points based on various factors. The determination of points allocated is derived from basic and lifestyle questions. Based on your daily point limit, you subtract points for the foods eaten that day, or add points for physical activity engaged in. You can calculate your daily Weight Watchers points if you are armed with knowing how they are counted.


    • 1

      Find out your daily points allowance by using the following guidelines. Give yourself the necessary points for each item that applies.

      Female: 2

      Male: 8

      Nursing: 12

    • 2
      Use a bathroom scale to find your current weight.

      Determine how much you weigh. Use a scale to calculate your current weight. Take the first two numbers of your weight and write them down. For example, if you are a male that weighs 185 lbs., write "8+18."

    • 3

      Give yourself additional Weight Watchers points based on your age. Use this formula:

      17 to 26: 4

      27 to 37: 3

      38 to 47: 2

      48 to 57: 1

      58 and older: 0

      Using the example, a male that is 42 years old adds 2 more points, or "8+18+2."

    • 4

      Add the remaining points based on your height.

      Less than 5 feet: 0

      5 feet 1-inch to 5 feet 9-inches: 1

      Greater than 5 feet 9-inches: 2

    • 5
      Daily walks give you more Weight Watchers points.

      Calculate your physical activity level for additional Weight Watchers points. Add 0 points if you are mostly sitting or sedentary during your day. Add 2 points if you are standing more often then sitting. If you walk daily, add 4 points, and if you are much more active throughout a typical day, add 6 points.

      In the example, if the subject is 5 feet 6-inches and walks daily, the points added would be "1+4."

    • 6

      Add all points together to get your daily Weight Watchers points. From the example, this person would have an allowance of 33 daily Weight Watchers points, or "8+18+2+1+4=33."

    • 7

      Use the Weight Watchers number when eating to keep track of how many points you are consuming. Research to find the point value of foods you wish to consume.

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