How to Determine Your Weight Watchers Flex Points
Start with the first two digits of your weight in pounds.
Add two points if you are a female and eight points if you are a male.
Add four points if you are age 17 to 26, three points if you are age 27 to 37, two points if you are age 38 to 47, one point if you are age 48 to 58 and zero points if you are over 58.
Add zero points if your height is under 5 feet 1 inch, one point if you are 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 10 inches tall and two points if you are over 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Add zero points if you spend most of your work day sitting down, two points if you are mainly standing, four points if you are walking most of your work day and six points if you are doing hard physical work most of your work day.
Add 10 points if you are breastfeeding or add five points if you are sometimes breastfeeding but supplementing with formula.
Get physical exercise to earn additional points. The degree of exercise is measured in terms of how hard you are working. The categories include Low if you're not sweating after 10 minutes of exercise, Moderate if you're sweating after 10 minutes of your exercise or High if you're sweating after three to five minutes of exercise.
Add 35 bonus points each week that can be used all at once or spread out over the seven days.