List of Foods That Are Filling
A quarter-pound serving of tofu contains 9g of protein and 5g of fat, or less than 100 calories. At that rate, you may want to splurge and have a little more, especially since the fat found in tofu is the heart-healthy, monounsaturated kind. To better enjoy this soy bean product, try tofu "egg" salad, curried tofu salad, a morning tofu-vegetable scramble, marinated cubed tofu, or one of the widely-available pre-seasoned varieties. Tofu meals are especially good when you need something hearty.
Nut Butter
At 100 calories per tablespoon, nut butters will not load your stomach but should keep you going for several hours. This is because they are high in both protein and fat. Nut butters are a good choice when you are looking for something with long-term satiety that won't take you long to eat or weigh you down. For variety, try pumpkin seed, hemp seed, almond, cashew, walnut or pecan butter. Nut butters go well with crackers, whole-grain toast, bananas, apples, celery, cauliflower and baby carrots.
High-Fiber Foods
Like fat, fiber slows down digestion, which can help you to feel full longer. High-fiber foods include beans, vegetables, whole grains and flax meal. Fresh fruit is also high in fiber, but it may digest more quickly than other fiber-rich foods. In one study, test subjects reported being highly satisfied after snacking on fruit, but the satisfaction lasted for less than two hours, according to research on the satiety index reported on Choose fruit when you need a short-term, low-calorie snack to keep you going. Eating an apple or orange before deciding what to eat for dinner, for example, may help you make a more conscious choice.
Olive Oil
Many dieters have been taught to be afraid of fat. But fat--especially the heart-healthy, monounsaturated fat found in olive oil, avocado and nuts--can help you control your appetite by helping you to feel full longer. The danger with fats, of course, is that they are calorically dense. This means you can quickly consume many calories and many grams of fat in a single sitting. A few teaspoons of olive oil or a handful of nuts at lunch, however, may help you consume fewer calories throughout the day by helping you to feel more satisfied.
Baked Potato
The satiety index lists the baked potato as one of its most-surprising filling foods. The rating is a surprise because most of the satiety index ratings mirror glycemic index ratings. The glycemic index rates foods according to their effect on blood-sugar levels; foods with a lower (or good) glycemic rating are supposed to help keep you feeling satisfied. The glycemic index, however, rates the white potato as one of the worst foods for dieters and diabetics--meaning it's likely to increase hunger and cravings. So which is it? With 200 calories in an 8 oz. (1/2 lb.) potato, you may want to give it a try and see for yourself.