How to Feel Full on Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is a great eating plan but like anything you do to try to lose weight, hunger can be a big issue. For many of us, knowing we are eating the proper amount isn't enough; we need that feeling of fullness. Here are some tips to help you keep hunger at bay and feel full throughout the day.


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      Include protein in every meal. This is especially critical at breakfast because you're setting the stage for the entire day. A muffin or toast and jelly just won't do it - they're all carbs. Try an English muffin with peanut butter or a boiled egg. Both eggs and peanut butter are great sources of protein. For lunch, if you generally eat a salad, add a little meat or egg to the salad. It will keep you satisfied much longer.

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      Change your mind set to focus on vegetables. If you like stir fry for dinner - a great meal on Weight Watchers - instead of thinking of dinner as chicken stir fry with some veggies think of it as veggie stir fry with a little chicken. Focus on the vegetables and make the meat a minor ingredient. Not only will you get a lot more food for your points but your belly will feel much fuller with the bigger portion you can have with more veggies.

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      Plan to eat throughout the day and not just at mealtime. Evenings can be a killer when sitting in front of the TV watching food commercials. Keep low fat popcorn on hand and munch while you watch. Low fat kettle corn will satisfy both your sweet and salty needs. For mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, if you don't want to chomp on veggies, try the wonderful low point treats available from Weight Watchers, Skinny Cow and others.

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