Pros of Infant Massage
Relief from Digestive Discomforts
Infants often suffer from the discomforts of gas because of air swallowed when crying or eating too quickly, which may be difficult for them to release. Massaging an infant in a heart-shaped motion from chest to stomach may help her work out gas. Placing the infant along your arm and rubbing her back while burping her may also help to relieve gas, according to WebMD. Massage may also help relieve other digestive discomforts, such as constipation.
Improved Parent-Child Bonding
The pleasurable touch of massage releases the so-called "feel-good" hormone oxytocin for both you and the infant, according to This release of oxytocin may help to strengthen the parent-child bond. During massage, your child is also using his senses to identify and connect with you, including your smell and the sound of your voice.
Relaxation and Sleep
Massage helps both infants and parents relieve stress, helping them to relax and focus on one another or their surroundings. Many infants find massage to be soothing and fall asleep shortly afterward. If this is the case with your infant, advises performing massage before naptime or bedtime.
Help for Preemies
Massage may be helpful for medically stable premature infants in several ways. It can help relieve the infant's stress and reduce pain, which preserves more energy for growth and healing, according to Massage can also help to establish or strengthen the parent-child bond that may have been affected by the necessary separation.