Home Remedies for Gas Relief in Babies

Babies suffer from gas, just like everyone else does. Unfortunately they can not express what kind of pain they are experiencing; all they can do is cry. Babies often suffer gas pain between 6 and 8 weeks of age, and it generally subsides around 3 to 4 months of age, according to Pollywog Baby. Home remedies for infant gas can be as simple as burping at the right time, or as complex as feeding them the right foods.
  1. Diet Change

    • Foods can cause gas, for adults and babies. If the baby is still on formula, try changing the formula for several weeks. This experiment needs to be done using different formulas until a formula is found that does not cause the baby gas pain. Keep track of what they are eating and which they have bad reactions to. When infants have transitioned to baby food, things like onions, garlic and cabbage in their foods can cause gas.

    Slower Feeding

    • Slower feeding may help keep excess air from getting into the baby's belly. American Baby suggests that breastfeeding moms whose babies suffer from too much gas take the time to let their spray of milk slow down during feeding by giving the baby a break. When feeding with a bottle make sure the nipple remains full of milk, which will help the baby get less air; and make sure they are drinking it slowly. Do not wait until the baby is really hungry, which makes them eat/drink faster and take in more air.


    • Do not stop in the middle of meals to burp the baby.Wait until feeding is done. Stopping will only aggravate the baby and can cause excess swallowing of air. When burping does not work, turn the baby on their back and gently rub their tummy in a circular motion. American Baby suggests that doing this belly massage in a clockwise motion will help the baby dispel trapped gas.

    Warm Up The Tummy

    • Giving the baby a warm bath can help get rid of excess gas. It does this by helping them relax. Swaddling the baby in warm blankets can also have this effect. This is a gentle way to help infants with gas build up.

    Herbal Home Remedy

    • Give the baby a tonic of anise water, which is a natural gas reliever according to the website Breastfeeding Problems. Boil a 1/2 tsp. of anise seed in 500ml of water for five minutes, then let it cool. The website then suggests that the baby be given 2 to 3 drops if they are under six months old and half a dropper for up to a year old. This mixture can be given to the baby every three hours and can be saved in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

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