Home Remedies for Ailments in Babies

Colic, cradle cap, diaper rash and baby acne are all things that negatively affect a baby. Most home remedies are just common sense actions that will save babies pain or irritation. The remedies are safe, but it is best to check with the pediatrician before trying to use them.
  1. Colic

    • Colic is a malady that drives babies to crying, and it may affect a parent in the same manner. Babies are inconsolable when they get stomach cramps from a buildup of gas. There is no medication to help it. Often feeding smaller portions with more frequent feedings will solve the problem. Burping before, during and after a feeding prevents air from entering the stomach to cause cramping. An old method is to swaddle a baby from the neck down in a receiving blanket. The baby should not be able to move but should still comfortably breathe. Try a warm bath, warm water bottle or a massage. These often get the bowels moving. Motion frequently calms a colicky baby. Take a drive in the car, put the baby in a carrier on top of the drier while it runs or purchase a vibrating infant seat. White noise will also calm a baby by lulling him or her to sleep. Unsweetened, weak herbal teas are safe to give babies. Use chamomile, ginger or peppermint with a doctor's approval

    Cradle Cap

    • Cradle cap is a yellowish scaly crust that forms on the head, neck, ears and in creases of the body. The oil glands overproduce and create the scale. Wash the baby's hair and brush with a soft brush or a soft toothbrush. An old remedy is to rub the area with mineral or olive oil and brush off the scale. This can sometimes worsen the problem, especially when the oil is not washed out immediately. If skin gets red and irritated, a yeast infection may be a problem warranting a doctor's consultation.

    Diaper Rash

    • Diaper rash is an irritation caused by contact with urine or stool. It makes a baby miserable, and it is necessary to change diapers frequently. Use disposable instead of cloth diapers because they are more absorbent. Stay away from baby wipes with alcohol that will irritate the area. Instead, use a soft cloth with warm water to clean the baby, and never use powder or corn starch as it causes bacterial growth. Give the baby more fluids to water down urine and bathe the baby in a basin of warm water and 2 tbsp. of baking soda. Dry well, place the baby on the stomach on top of a towel, and let the baby be diaper-free for a while.

    Baby Acne

    • Baby acne shows up as red bumps on the face and forehead and is caused by hormone changes. Although it looks nasty, it really does not bother the baby much and will clear up by itself. Wash the baby's face with water and a mild moisturizing soap two to three times a day. Never pinch or scratch the pimples, as this could cause infection.

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