What Is Peroneal Neuropathy?
What Happens
Peroneal neuropathy occurs when the peroneal nerve is compressed just below the head of the fibula (a lower leg bone).
According the University of Maryland Medical Center, common causes of peroneal nerve damage include knee injury, fibula fracture, using a tight plaster cast (or other long-term constriction) on the lower leg, habitual leg crossing, regularly wearing high boots, or pressure to the knee from positions during deep sleep or coma.
The symptoms of peroneal neuropathy are foot drop or prickling, tingling, or numbness on top of foot. Foot drop means that you cannot lift your ankle, extend your toes, or turn the foot outward.
According to Medline Plus, the goal of peroneal neuropathy treatment is to improve mobility and independence. Possible treatments include physical therapy, pain medications, corticosteroid injections and surgery.
Other Names
Peroneal neuropathy is also called common peroneal nerve dysfunction.