How to Use a TENS Unit to Aid in Lactation
Things You'll Need
- TENS Unit
- Small bag with cord
- Hospital grade breast pump
Wear the TENS unit around your neck or waist in a small bag for easy access. The unit is small, about the size of four stacked Popsicle sticks.
Attach the electrodes to your breasts on either side of the nipple and in line with the nipples. Attach a red pad and a black pad to each breast.
Set the TENS unit to muscle stimulation. You are attempting to stimulate the nerves in the breast to imitate a baby suckling, which will cause your body to produce Prolactin, the hormone required for lactation.
Turn the unit on for 15 minutes every two hours around the clock. A mild tingling sensation should be all you feel.
Check for lactation periodically. Once milk appears and you are not yet nursing a child, use a hospital grade breast pump to empty the breast after you use the TENS unit. Emptying the breasts helps you lactate more.