How to Get Rid of a Infant's Cold
Things You'll Need
- Syringe bulb
- Humidifier
- Saline nose drops
- Liquids
- Fever-reducing medication
Clear out mucus from your infant's nose. Use saline drops to loosen mucus within your infant's nostril. Gently tilt his head back and place two drops within each nostril. Suction out the mucus with a syringe bulb to alleviate head congestion.
Keep your little one hyrdated. Give your infant plenty of fluids. If you're nursing your infant, offer her breast milk when she wants it. Fluids will help prevent dehydration in your infant.
Keep the mositure way from bedding. Use a humidifier in your infant's bedroom. Keep the humidifier away from your child's crib, to avoid getting the bedding moist. You can also sit with your infant in a bathroom full of steam prior to his bedtime to get rid of congestion.
Sleeping helps fight a cold. Let your infant rest as often as possible. The body fights foreign invaders, such as viruses, during periods of rest.
Use over-the-counter fever reducers with your physician's recommendations. Avoid giving fever reducers to your infant if he's vomiting.