Baby Shampoo Warnings
The Environmental Protection Agency has named 1,4-dioxane as one of the probable chemical carcinogens in baby shampoos and other baby products. Although there is no federal requirement within the United States to list this chemical in the baby products on the label, the European Union has banned this chemical from cosmetics. Even products labeled "organic" or "natural" can still contain this chemical. Dioxane is a petroleum product intended to dissolve oil and grease. states that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has claimed 1,4-dioxane as a known probable human carcinorgen. states that 1,4-dioxane is linked to cancer and skin allergies.
Exposure to formaldehyde can cause respiratory problems and skin, eye, nose and throat irritations, according to Health-Report.Co.Uk. Repeated contact can cause allergic contact dermatitis in humans. If babies accidentally ingest the formaldehyde, it could result in mouth ulcers and ulcerations of the stomach and esophagus. Major toxic effects include inflammation of the nasal cavity, caused by acute formaldehyde exposure, according to
The word "fragrance" on the label can signify more than 4,000 synthetic, individual ingredients. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health states that one-third of natural and synthetic substances found within the fragrance industry are toxic. You may not want to expose a baby to fragrance, especially if allergies run in the family. Symptoms of fragrance reactions in babies can include, but are not limited to, headache, dizziness, vomiting, skin reaction or discoloration, rashes and violent coughing.
Parabens have been found in samples of breast tumors, according to Parabens have multiple names, so look for "paraben" at the end of baby shampoo ingredients on the label to try to avoid them. Six common forms of parabens are methylparaben, ethylparaben, p-propylparaben, isobutylparaben, n-butylparaben and benzylparaben. Parabens are often used as a preservative in baby products. Parabens are absorbed into the body through the skin tissue and then are retained there.
Sodium Laurel Sulfates (SLS)
Sodium Laurel Sulfates (SLS), or Sodium Laureth Sulfates-SLES, is found in engine degreasers, floor cleaners and detergents, as well as baby shampoo. This chemical is an extremely harmful ingredient that can cause separation of baby's skin layers and inflammation of the skin. The ingredient is an irritant used in many baby shampoos and soaps, causing them to form bubbles. It also can cause damage to the baby's eyes and immune system, according to