Ways to Soothe a Baby's Cough

Baby coughs are often more challenging to soothe than the coughs of older children and adults, as babies are unable to take advantage of many soothing remedies, such as cough drops and honey, and care must be used when giving an infant cough medicine. However, there are several safe strategies available to help sooth a baby's cough.
  1. Chest Physical Therapy

    • Chest physical therapy often helps loosen mucus in the chest, making it easier for the baby to cough the mucus out, notes the American Academy of Pediatrics' Healthy Children website. Parents and caregivers can provide therapy by laying the baby face down over the knees and gently tapping the baby on the back with a cupped hand. The same procedure can also be done with the child sitting on a lap, leaning forward at a 30 degree angle.


    • Providing the baby with plenty of fluids often helps loosen mucus, prevent dehydration and calm an agitated throat. Mothers who are breastfeeding should continue to do so, as breast milk provides baby with extra germ protection. The only fluids that a baby under six months should receive are milk or formula, unless otherwise noted by their doctor, while older babies may benefit from drinking water or mild juices.


    • Medication for a baby's cough should only be given under a doctor's recommendation. While the baby's doctor may prescribe a medication to treat an underlying illness, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies do not receive any over the counter cough medications due to the potential for serious side effects and their lack of effectiveness in young children.


    • Babies with an infection related cough benefit from being given time to rest and fight the infection. Allow the baby plenty of quiet time while she is coughing. Complete quiet activities with older babies who may have difficulty resting, such as reading a story or snuggling together. The BabyCenter website suggests giving baby a change of scenery by setting up a cozy spot outside or on a porch on a nice day.


    • Steam works to help break up baby's congestion. Families who own a humidifier can set it up in the baby's room and let it run while baby is sleeping or playing in his room. Humidifiers should be run only as stated by the manufacturer and must be cleaned often to prevent the buildup of mold. The Mayo Clinic notes that the humidifier should be turned away from baby's crib to help prevent damp bedding. Families may also choose to spend time with baby in a steam-filled bathroom. Allow the bathtub to fill with hot water and give baby a bath or sit in the bathroom with the door closed with the baby for between 15 and 20 minutes to help break up the mucus.

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