How to Keep Shoes on a Club Footed Infant
Things You'll Need
- Pen
- Cotton socks
Observe when your baby starts to fuss. Make a note of whether one shoe is harder to put on than the other. Some children kick their legs when a parent attempts to put on the second shoe; others start kicking right away. If your baby only begins kicking after the first shoe, Ponseti International Association recommends putting on the more difficult shoe first.
Make a mark with a pen next to the appropriate hole on the strap. If you tighten the strap to the wrong hole, it may be too loose or too tight. Over time, as the leather stretches, you may need to switch to using a different hole. If your child manages to get out of the shoes, the strap is likely not tightened enough.
Pull your baby's lower leg up and down gently after the shoes are on. Observe the toes. If the toes can move back and forth, your baby's heel is not completely down and the strap needs to be tighter.
Tighten the laces of the shoes if your baby still manages to throw the shoes off. Do not tighten so much that the shoes cut off the circulation, but they should fit snugly.
Remove the tongues from the shoe. This may help the device stay on the child's legs, and will not interfere with its efficacy.
Observe how your child throws off the shoes. If he plays with the laces and manages to loosen them, arrange the laces so that the bow is near his toes instead of at the top.