Stuffy Noses in Babies & Sleeping
The common cold, viral infection, flu, allergy, fever and sinus infection are the most common causes of a blocked nose. Babies under the age of 4 months are more susceptible to discomfort due to a stuffy nose. The small size of their nostrils and the inability to blow their noses makes babies highly restless and uncomfortable. A stuffy nose usually takes about a week to clear completely.
Saline drops, available at all pharmacies without a prescription, are effective in loosening thick mucus in the nasal passage. Gently tilt the baby's head back and apply a couple of drops in each nostril with a dropper. Other options are taking the baby in a bathroom that's warm and steamy from hot water in the shower, or using a nasal suction bulb to draw mucus from the nostrils.
Improving Sleep
Place a cool-mist humidifier near the baby's crib. The moisture helps to loosen the nasal blockage and ease breathing. To prevent the growth of bacteria, you must replace the water every day and clean the humidifier with bleach. To reduce the risk of dehydration, feed the baby milk or formula whenever the nose is clear after one of the above treatments.