Types of Feeding Pumps
Manual Breast Feeding Pumps
If you only want to use a breast pump a couple times a week, you may want to use a manual breast pump since they are less expensive than other types yet still effective. There are three types of manual breast feeding pumps.
The squeeze handle breast pump requires the use of only one hand. You create suction by manually squeezing a handle. While this pump is efficient, portable and easy to clean, prolonged use can tire out the hand or wrist.
The cylinder breast pump consists of an inner and outer cylinder. Suction is created when the outer cylinder is pulled away from the inner cylinder. The milk then collects in the outer cylinder. Transportable and easy to operate, this pump does require you use both hands and can cause fatigue in those extremities.
The pedal breast pump creates suction by pumping a foot pedal. This allows both hands to remain free.
Battery Operated Breast Feeding Pumps
Battery operated breast feeding pumps don't cause hand fatigue like most manual models of breast pumps. These breast pumps offer adjustable suction levels for your comfort, suction release buttons that imitate a nursing baby and a choice of cycles if you decide you want to express more milk. Some of these breast pumps come with AC adapters, but most require AA batteries that must be replaced. These machines also tend to be noisy and their motors can wear out.
Electrical Breast Feeding Pumps
While the most expensive of breast pumps, electric breast feeding pumps are also the most proficient at collecting milk. You can also find dual electric pumps that extract milk from both breasts simultaneously. These breast pumps require an electrical outlet. There are three main types of electric breast pumps.
The portable electric breast pump is ideal for working mothers. They often come with accessories such as totes and storage bags for the milk. However, this pump does not provide a sufficient suction-and-release cycle for some women.
The mid-size automatic piston breast feeding pump are extremely expensive but can be rented from some hospitals for a reasonable price. These pumps offer double pumping and adjustable section level, efficiency and quietness. Relatively light, they can be transported to work.
The full-size breast feeding pump runs quietly and efficiently. Like the mid-size automatic piston pump, it is best to rent the full size breast because of its high price tag. While they offer double pumping and adjustable suction levels, the full-size breast pump is too heavy to be portable.