Raspy Breathing in Infants
Raspy breathing occurs commonly in infants and usually does not signify a serious problem.
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If raspy breathing occurs suddenly it may indicate an allergic reaction. In addition, raspy breathing may occur if an infant has a foreign object lodged in his airway. Recurrent raspy breathing may be a symptoms of a chronic medical condition such as asthma or laryngomalacia.
While raspy breathing probably does not indicate a life-threatening condition, parents should monitor babies closely and use their best judgment about when and if to seek medical treatment.
Parents can help alleviate Laryngomalacia and reflux-related raspy breathing by holding the baby upright for at least 30 minutes after all feedings. Vaporizers, breathing treatments or medications may alleviate asthma and cold-related breathing difficulties.
Call 911 if your baby shows any of the following signs along with raspy breathing: breathlessness or shortness of breath. Also, if symptoms occur right after eating a new food item, call 911 because the child may be having a food allergy reaction.