Babies & Irritable Bowel
IBS Symptoms
The symptoms of IBS are caused by abnormal functioning of the muscles and nerves in the bowel. While normal muscle contractions in the bowel keep the intestines functioning properly, babies suffering from IBS have extremely sensitive systems. This sensitivity can bring on cramping, diarrhea or constipation, the cause of which may be something as simple as eating. Stress and gas can also be triggers for IBS symptoms in babies.
IBS in Babies
In infants, symptoms of IBS are often different than in older children. Infant IBS tends to manifest itself as colic, inability to sleep, frequent crying and spitting up.
Diagnosing IBS
There is no actual test for IBS. It is usually diagnosed through a physical exam combined with a symptom history. Because there are often other reasons for symptoms associated with IBS, it may be hard to diagnose in infants.
Managing Infant IBS
While there is no cure for IBS, it can be managed. For babies, changes in diet are limited since most infants rely on milk as their sole source of nutrition up to about six months. Switching from milk to formula can help limit the symptoms of IBS in infants.
Dietary Changes for Older Babies
For older babies who are eating solid foods, there is greater option for dietary changes. Increasing fiber can render huge improvements in IBS symptoms. With an increase in fiber, stools are bulkier which in turn stretches the colon, cutting down on spasms. Loading a baby up with nutritious fruits and vegetables not only ensures all vitamin requirements are met, but also helps to keep the painful symptoms of cramping, constipation or diarrhea under control.