Infacol for Colic
Gas causes colic pains in young babies. But it is unknown exactly what causes the gas in young babies or why colic often resolves itself by the time the baby is three months old, according to the Mayo Clinic. Simethicone in Infacol helps to reduce gas in the digestive system by preventing small gas bubbles from joining together into making the large gas bubbles that press against the inner organ walls and cause pain.
Administer the medication before feeding and before bed to prevent gas. Shake the Infacol bottle so the contents are evenly mixed. Using the dropper provided, squeeze the soft bulb at the top two or three times to draw the medication up the tube. Wipe off any excess fluid so that it does not drip. Place the dropper gently to the back of the baby's tongue. Some babies may instinctively begin sucking. Squeeze the bulb.
Time Frame
According to Forest Laboratories, Infacol works best over a few days, so do not expect it to work on the first day. Symptoms of colic such as crying should improve after four days. If not, increase the dosage to two droppers full of Infacol. But if that still does not work after another three days, contact a doctor or pediatrician.
Although simethicone is found in many adult anti-gas over-the-counter medications like Gas-X or Mylanta, do not give these medications to a baby. They will be far too strong for a baby and the liquid medications are often far too thick for a baby to easily swallow. Only use drops designed for babies or designed to be mixed into the baby's formula.
Expert Advice
Besides giving Infacol, there are several other things a caretaker can do to help relieve colic in babies, according to the Mayo Clinic. Giving the baby a pacifier can help relax the baby; putting on music or singing softly can also help relax the baby and may help to distract from the pain. Eliminate spicy or gas-causing foods like beans and cabbage from the mother's diet if the baby is breast fed.